Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Talk alone.

ohh da pagi rupa nya.
lama nye i tido smalam.huh..
i capai fon.nuthin'.only 1 miscall from nad.
i letak fon tu balik then thinkin'..
wut u waitin for farhana?
is dat a call? message?from whom?
from tak de.even 1.
im smiling.biarlaa mcm dye kisah lak aku.
n me??kisah ke?
aiyaa farhana..ko da pndai cakap sorg2 rupanya.
nk wat cm mane tak de sape teman aku ckp.
luckilly im not crazy yet.haha.
ask myself i wrong?
ada ke org nk mengaku dia salah
keep asking again.wut do u expect frm him to do?
hmm..tak tawu.sbb i mmg tak tawu
i grabbed fon again.lagak mcm ad msg. tp xde.

i wish i dpt at least one msg.
"bby,b rindu sangat kt bby"
tp tak de jugak.
tak pun.."bby sihat?"

at last i letak fon tu balik.
tears come out again.
wipe my tears alone.
farhana..stop act like this.u kuat kn dear.yes i kuat.*sigh*
but i really know where is my limit.
plz dun cry.nnti da tak cntik.*da memang tak cntik so ap nk heran*
muka u comot la kalau nangis.*b slalu ckp cm ni.yeke?*
gosh! knape la budak pompuan ni cengeng sgt?
biarlaa.airmata ak.let it be.
okeh.again i ckp sorang2.
for sure i bukan gila.blom smpai tahap tu lg.
make it clear once again. i'm not CRAZY.
tp mcm org tak btol je..hhahaa..
ok relax.take a breath.
i really missed him.i missed mygemok.
OMG,this time u mmg sikit tak betol.
suda laa tu.avoid all ur feelings.
'dun cry.everything will be okeh sooner.rmmber,mybe someone hate u crying.hate ur tears come out.'
all out farhana.



  1. it's ok la alone...terapi tu..taw x??
    tears make u strong ok...
    so, nagis lah as much as u want...

  2. cry as much as u can. only by that u can smile afterwards. xpe. lepaskan je. chill bebeyh! like me. haha :)

  3. arisa: hahaa..aku rasa if dinding leh ckp da lme dia sound ak suh benti nangis..gosh! damn it!

    didie: hehee.thanx angah.really need u now.
    but so far nuthn much to b fine =)

